Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum GRE/TOEFL scores required for admission?
These are not required for admission.

All courses are taught in English in my country. Am I still supposed to present a certificate of proficiency in English?
Yes, you should provide through the online application a document indicating that your degree is conducted in English.

I have not completed my BSc and I don't have the official transcript.  What should I do?
Follow the online application. You will be able to provide all the required information about your current status.

How can I be sure my application was received and complete?
As soon as you submit your online application (pressing the Submit button) it is "received" and complete.  You can still edit your application until the deadline.

Is it possible to upload/submit the documents after the deadline?

When will a decision on my admission to the MSc program be made?
You will be notified as soon as possible

Can I attend with my own funds?
Qualified candidates who meet the selection criteria may be allowed to attend the courses at their own cost.  They must supply written evidence from a funding agency or a banking institution that funds are available for their entire year's stay.