Training in Geodetic Techniques for Volcano and Tectonic Monitoring

08-09 Aug

This two-day training will review geodetic measurements and geodetic modelling and its use in a volcanic environment such as the Kivu rift.

ICTP-EAIFR is pleased to host a two day Training in Geodetic Techniques for Volcano and Tectonic Monitoring.


Location: University of Rwanda (Nyarugenge Campus), Einstein Block, ICTP-EAIFR Conference Room (5th floor)

Organizers: Derrick Murekezi and Andrew Newman, Georgia Institute of Technology

Host: Catherine Mériaux, ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-EAIFR).

The program is the the following:

Day 1: Geodetic Measurements
        ●  9am : Introductions 

        ●  9:30 : Overview of Geodesy 

        ●  10:30:15min Break 

        ●  10:45: Detailed understanding/theory on GPS/GNSS 

        ●  12:15: Lunch 

        ●  1:15 
: GNSS field setups

        ●  2:00 
: Kivu Rift Geophysics Project overview 
        ●  3:30 
: Adjourn with end-of-day snack/coffee 

Day 2: Understanding Earth from Geodetic Modeling
        ●  9am : Detailed understanding/theory on InSAR 

        ●  10:30: 15min Break 

        ●  10:45: Geophysical Modeling overview 

        ●  12:15: Lunch 

        ●  1:15 : QuadTree data reduction for Modeling 

        ●  1:30 : Modeling deformation using GTDef (or other analytic tools) 

        ●  3:30 : Discussion 

        ●  4:00 : Adjourn with end-of-day snack/coffee 


Technical Recommendations:
 For hands-on modeling, of geodetic data, it is helpful to bring a computer with:

● Matlab running with Optimization toolbox

● The most recent version of GTDef

● A recent version of GMT(for visualization)

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