Satellite Meeting of the 29th International Conference on Statistical Physics

05-10 Jul

For the first time, a satellite activity of the International Conference on Statistical Physics will be hosted in Africa at the University of Rwanda (Kigali, Rwanda). The venue will be ICTP-EAIFR.

StatPhys in Kigali 2025,

This activity will include

  • A School on complex system : July 5-6, 2025
  • A workshop: July 7-10, 2025

This activity aims at joining together African and International scientific communities in statistical physics, data science, nonlinear dynamics, and related applications, to provide ground for reciprocal knowledge and cross-fertilization. 
Grasping an effective understanding of the behavior of complex systems is recognized as a major strategic issue in the development of modern societies as well as an outstanding challenge to modern physics. Different approaches germinated in statistical physics, data science, and nonlinear dynamics have proven able to provide reliable models to successfully describe a variety of complex evolutions. The goal of the meeting is to bring together scientists from a broad range of fields, willing to exchange their experience in dealing with both fundamental and applicative problems. To favor students' participation, a two-day intense school on complex systems will forego the main workshop.

Topics include

Statistical mechanics: Theory, Computing, Experiments
Nonlinear dynamical systems
Applications: Geoscience, Biophysics,...


For the full details: consult and click on the official website.

We are looking forward to welcoming you.

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