Special Seminar: Professor Manasse Mbonye (UR)

18 16 : 00 - 17 : 00 Apr

Professor Manasse Mbonye from the University of Rwanda will discuss The Big Bang, its origins and initial conditions from Self-Regulating Cosmology (SRC) model.

ICTP-EAIFR cordially invites you to a special seminar in  hybrid format:

Title: The Big Bang:
 Origins and initial conditions from Self-Regulating Cosmology (SRC) model

Speaker: Professor Manasse Mboye, University of Rwanda

When: April 18, 2024

Time: 4-5 pm (Kigali time)

Physical Venue: UR CST Campus, Einstein Building, ICTP-EAIFR, Fifth Floor

Zoom Link: Click here and Register



Generating appropriate initial conditions for the Universe is key to discussing cosmic evolution constructively. In standard cosmology the traditional approach assumes an early Universe that emerges from an infinite density, spacetime singularity. It then undergoes inflationary expansion, followed by a matter-creating "reheat" period. This approach produces results generally in agreement with observations. However, to date it is not known how (or even whether) a true past-directed spacetime singularity can generate a regular spacetime that becomes the observed Universe. It has been suggested that an appropriate approach should involve initial conditions that emerge naturally from existing physics. In this talk we discuss initial conditions predicated on the model of Self-Regulating Cosmology (SRC), recently presented [arXiv: 2211.11708]. In SRC, the dynamics leads to a universe that also self-regenerates from one evolutionary cosmic phase or (hereafter) kalpa to another. Within each such kalpa cosmic dynamics evolves between two different scales of de Sitter-like horizons. The end of a kalpa and the beginning of the next interface through a phase transition whose features naturally set all initial conditions for the new phase, including sourcing entropy. The SRC Universe satisfies Poincare Recurrence Theorem, with specified a recurrence time. This facilitates co-application of Boltzmann Anthropic Hypothesis with the Past Hypothesis and/or with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The issue of whether or not the early Universe undergoes inflation becomes naturally self-manifest in this scenario. The framework discusses two standing issues in cosmology: the old Cosmological Constant Problem, and the new issue of over- mature structures observed by JWST at high redshifts.



Professor Manasse Mbonye is a Founding Fellow of the Rwanda Academy of Sciences (RAS) and its current President. He is also the Group Leader and Professor, Rwanda Astrophysics Space and Climate Sciences Research Group (RASCSRG) at the University of Rwanda and a member of the national Science Advisory Group (SAG). By Training, Dr. Mbonye is a theoretical Astrophysicist and Cosmologist. He completed his Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut, in 1995. Dr. Mbonye has taught Physics at various institutions including the University of Connecticut, University of Michigan, and RIT. He has also worked at NASA (Goddard Space Flight Center). His research interests are cosmic dynamics and black holes. Some of his contributions include the Mbonye-Kazanas model of a non-singular black hole and his recent model of Self-Regulating Cosmology (SRC).
In 2012, Professor Mbonye returned to Africa. Since then his appointments have included, Provost (later) Ag Rector (National University of Rwanda), the first Principal (University of Rwanda, College of Science and Technology), and Executive Secretary (Rwanda's National Council for Science and Technology, (NCST)). During Mbonye's tenure, NCST instituted a major review of Rwanda's Science, Technology, Research and Innovation (STRI) policy. Further, the National Research and Innovation Agenda (NRIA) was constructed, along with its implementation enabler, the National Research and Innovation Fund (NRIF) framework. Rwanda launched the NRIF in June 2018. Prof. Mbonye has served on the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTCO) Board of Directors as its Rapporteur (2017-2018). He has also been Chairman of the Rwanda Energy Group (REG) (2015-2018), Rwanda’s sole electric energy production source and utility company. Prof. Mbonye continues to do research and supervise students, at the University of Rwanda.



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