ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda
Short Course on Machine Learning
- 01
The goal of this course is to train researchers in Machine Learning (ML).
The goal of this course is to train researchers in Machine Learning (ML).
Topics covered:
- Introduction to ML
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Data structure and representation
- Basic Principles of ML
- Basic Tools for ML in Python
- Regression and Classification methods
- Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Application to data challenges
This workshop is open to researchers in every field. Science graduates (masters and doctoral levels) working in data intensive fields will find it particularly useful. Classes will take place every afternoon from 2pm to 5pm at ICTP-EAIFR in the KIST2 building, CST, Nyarugenge Campus. Having a laptop with Linux installed will be useful, although not compulsory.
There is no attendance fee, but participants are requested to reserve by email in advance due to the limited number of seats.
For further information and reservations: info@eaifr.org or workshop20190225@eaifr.org