ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda

Entrepreneur Workshop for Scientists and Engineers
ICTP-EAIFR, together with the IEEE and the University of Rwanda (UR), is organizing a 5-day 'Entrepreneur Workshop for Scientists and Engineers' to be held at UR from 14 to 18 May 2018.
Participants will be introduced to the basics of entrepreneurship – seeking opportunities for innovative technical solutions to the needs of society and taking these ideas to the market by developing a viable business model, a sound business plan and a commercialization strategy.
Topics covered include:
- Scientists and engineers as entrepreneurs
- Opportunity and value assessment
- Intellectual Property (IP)
- Business plan fundamentals
- Technology readiness levels
- Invention to product: timelines and processes
- Tools for financial estimations
- Pitching for cash
- Networking, communication and presentation skills
- Case studies and group projects
The workshop is open to young engineers, science graduates (masters and doctoral levels) and young researchers from Rwanda and Uganda who have a high motivation for becoming technical entrepreneurs (technopreneurs). Women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Selection of participants will be based on their technical background and also their strong motivation to become entrepreneurs. Applications for participation for the workshop can be found at:
Deadline for application: April 15, 2018
For further information contact: info@eaifr.org or sraghu@advancedfluidics.com