ICTP-East African Institute for Fundamental Research
KIST2 Building CST
Nyarugenge Campus
University of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda
Foundational School in Research Data Science
A 10-day workshop, organized by CODATA, ICTP and EAIFR, will be conducted at the University of Rwanda, Kigali to introduce participants to the skills of Research Data Science (RDS).
The goal of this workshop is to train researchers in Research Data Science (RDS). RDS refers to the principles and practice of Open Science and research data management and curation, the use of a range of data platforms and infrastructures, large scale analysis, statistics, visualization and modelling techniques, software development and data annotation. These are important tools for extracting useful information from data and these tools are useful in every research area. A 10-day workshop, organized by CODATA, ICTP and EAIFR, will be conducted at the University of Rwanda, Kigali to introduce participants to the skills of RDS. The application deadline is 18 July 2018. Apply online at https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/9006. Download the poster.